Why Adopt Sand 3D Printing? The Business Case from Grede
On-Demand Webinar
Binder jet 3D printing is critical to business development at Grede, a diverse company with nine iron foundries and one machining center. Its foundry in Iron Mountain, Michigan utilizes three S-Max binder jetting systems to offer unique solutions for customers’ complex casting requirements. Rapid prototyping has had a positive impact on business, and the foundry continues to reap benefits from tooling savings and speed to market, repeatability, and quality improvements.
Watch this on-demand webinar with our expert team and Kyle Peterson, Engineering Manager at Grede Iron Mountain. Peterson details his facility’s business case to make the change from a traditional shell process to binder jet 3D printing. From comparing various input costs to the new possibilities offered by digital production, we explore how Grede’s business has evolved with the adoption of additive manufacturing.
In this webinar we will:
Discuss the business case for switching to additive manufacturing
Evaluate input costs such as for power/energy and labor, comparing traditional and binder jet production
Explore advanced designs possible with 3D printing and real-world savings with production examples
Kyle Peterson, Engineering Manager, Grede Iron Mountain